Clover partnered with Cojilio provides an all-in-one booking & payment solution
If you’re a service-based business, you know that coordinating appointments can get complicated. That’s why many businesses are turning to online booking software to help simplify the process. Using an online booking system can ultimately help you attract more bookings, keep track of your appointments, manage your inventory, and take payments, while avoiding the manual process of updating an appointment book at the front of your business. The time saved on managing your business’s appointments will give you more time to focus on your clients.
Are you looking to minimize the manual, repetitive work associated with managing appointments and schedules? Cojilio can help! The Cojilio app, available in the Clover App Market, is a powerful booking software for any service-based business that can help you save time, make more money, and keep clients coming back.
With Cojilio, your clients can conveniently book, cancel, and reschedule appointments online without having to contact you, letting you streamline communication and centralize payments. And, since Cojilio fully integrates with Clover, your clients can pay for their appointments and any purchases right from the Cojilio app, creating a seamless customer experience.
Cojilio can help keep you organized and save you time when you need to schedule an emergency booking, reschedule a client on short notice, rearrange your calendar to manage the no-shows, and so much more…
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